Saturday, July 22, 2006


Sorry, its been ages right!?
The computer is totaly bust, it has a dry socket apparently and needs to be taken apart compleatly. So it will be a while.
As for moving house that will be ages to. About another month i recon. But then we should be moving straight into ours rather than michaels dads first.
All our transport is breaking, we nearly blew up my bike and michaels car today but i think they are both fixed now.
As for you lot thinking its hot, its bloddy boiling here to! Just because the paper says its hotter in england than spain it doesnt mean we have it easy. Its been about 35 for a few weeks.
Course work is going ok, bit of a drag without the computer for extra help but ill be ok.
Work sucks as always.
Other than that everythings ok, im even getting a bit of a tan, oh and ive put blond highlites in my hair.
Take care everyone and go easy in the heat xx