Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hello strangers!

Its been ages, sorry guys, i have finally managed to get back into my blog, i recon a was putting the wrong password in or something equally as daft!
Last time i wrote i had just come back form doing my mack exams, this time i have jsut come back from doing the real exams! They went ok, i think, but thats enough abut exams untill July when i get my results (and might have to start all over again, but hopefully not fingers crossed!)
My holiday in england was pretty good exept for getting ill through most of it. It was cool seeing people again, allthough i didn't see many. We went to Devon for a very tafferish weekend and saw birds and boats and ate fish and chips by the sea. unfortionatly we didn't get a cream tea.
Anyways now im back in Espana, its bloody boiling, i have opted for staying in the clinic with the air con this lunchbreak, but i will venture outside for a walk in a bit.
On tuesday i came home from work (grrr, work) put my bikini on and read by the pool, then i swam for a bit, then we ate bbq. Sorry guys because i know its raining in England. I going to try fpr a nice subtle tan this year. The first year i was white, last year i got really burnt all in one go, so this year im planning on getting it right, so i think it will be a lazy weekend of sunbathing without feeling guilty about not revising!
Oh no, ive got Spanish homework to do by monday!