Friday, June 22, 2007

Well, not a spectacularly good week. We have been pretty quiet at work which has its good and bad points. I have been able to do a few things around the clinic, me and junaly gave it a bit of womans touch and rearanged a few things so it doesn't look quite so out of date! Cleaned the cupboards out etc. Managed to piddle about on the net quite a bit, got in touch with an old friend from primary school, Jyotsna, who moved to India and is now in Canada (i think that was the highlight of this week).Bought Michael some presents.
Unfortionatly some of it has been really boring and i have had to spend hours at work on my own thinking that i could be doing something far more exiting.
Yesterday was the worst day though. The morning was very boring, 4 hours on my own, pottered a bit and read some book. Then Dr Bill came in for some patients in the afternoon and i was a bit rude to him (didn't really mean to be it just sort of came out like that) so we got stressed at eachother and i spent the rest of the day feeling really bad about it. I tried to appologise and ended up making it worse by giving some crap excuse but it wasn't really exepted. Oh well, there is not much more i can do.
Anyways got home finally at just gone 8 and went out to the restaurante near our house to eat with michaels family coz his sister is over for a few days. Its a really basic spaish restaurant with freshly cooked food so even when its quiet you have to wait a little while. Anyways we waited about 2 hours for our meal but we didn't mind coz we know the guys there,but some other people were singing 'why are we waiting' and clapped when food was bought out. I guess its pretty bad for a long wait but that is so rude.(bear in mind there is 1 waiter and 1 chef and about 40 customers) Anyway because they were rushed by the idiot customers when my food came out it was very uncooked. They gave us 2 of the after dinner drinks free but unfortionatly i didn't order one so michael and his dad got theirs free.
Allround things didn't really go my way yesterday.

This weekend should be pretty good though, its San Juan, so partys on the beach all night saterday, and there is a huge Harley davidson convention here with about 8000bikes. They are all going to drive aroung fuengirola tomorow so im going to go down with some ear plugs!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy birthday to me...

Thankyou everyone for cards and presents, i have a very normal sort of birthday. I had a bad cold so decided not to go anywhere in particular, so me and michael just pottered around do the usually saterday sort of things, like going to the market and driving around on the vespa. I bought some new shoes and some new jeans which was nice.Then michaels mum and dad came round for a bbq and we ate lots and drank lots.
I got a necalace, some nail varnish, some sweets, an ipod and a smoothie maker. Michael keeps making really unhealthy smoothies with ice cream and stuff in. Tonight we are going to try chocolate bar smoothies.Apparently milky bar ones are pretty good!

Apart from a bit of cleaning on sunday i did absolult nothing. I spent from about 4 till 8 on the bed (watching whats eating guilbert grape, the sleeping) when we draged our hangovers to michales mum and dads for yet more bbq. They had invited theses really wierd irish people over, and had we known i think we would have just stayed at home and watched the final of Britain hasn't got talent. Acctually the guy who won was a pretty good singer but i was for the bottle trizzlers all along. If you havn't been watching it was yet another talent show with simon cowell, but the winners get to perform at the royal variety show for the queen. There were two little kids doing west end stuff and singing, they were so iccy i just wanted to puke on them, and i think the queen would have too, so im glad some amature opera singer won.

So this week is going to be the most boring of my life, Paul is away and bill only comes in when we have patients, and so far we have 3 for the rest of the week! Good job there is a new good houskeeping magazine out!