Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ok ok, im writing a blog. Im sorry guys, i have been very preocupied with Hary Potter. First the film came out, Order of the pheonix,then the new book came out! I got the book about 2 mins after it was released at a harry potter party in the bookshop. It was extreamley geeky!
Thank god the book was better than the film! I ended up with a major headache after i finishe dit as i was concentrating so hard.
So now thats all over im not sure what to do with myself. Work is boring so i have no motivation there, and in not working afternoons in the summer(yay) but now Harry potter is over im not sure what to do. I would re read them all but i did that last year and i don't want to wear them out. Maybe i will re watch the films.

I might start re reading His Dark Materials again as the film is out at christmas, or maybe i should grow up and do something adult? Nah