Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ok,shes Asian not African

Clubbing in Fuengirola was kinda fun and weird. I didn't have a bloody clue how to dance to the music. Its very bum wiggly.
Work has been pants. I made a chocolate cake today Its called 'chocolate cake with chocolate in and chocolate on top'. Its pretty yummy.
Me and Michael ate tapas in this cool place today where you just tick what you want on this piece of paper, kind of like doing a multiple choice test, and them they call your name when its ready. They miss heard Michael and called out Marco instead.
So to work off all this chocolate cake and tapas i have been doing a Tae Bo video. Its well hard but really good. I feel all energetic now.
I read Alice in Wonderland. Its was a load of nonsence!
Tomorow we are going to an African craft fair in Toremolinos. Im going to get some rings around my neck and a bone through my nose!

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