Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey peeps, just a quickie as im at work.
What a crazy week, back to the usuall run of bad luck, yesterday was mad, i had to wait ages to put my bike in for repairs and realised i can't say a thing about scooters in spainsh so i made a fool of myself making motorbike noises to the mechanic, was 40 mins late for work and it was crappy for the first part of the day, second half was ok, got my teeth balanced and now they feel weird. Then michael picked me up and his day was bad, no work tomorow, cars buggered, mechanic sold him dodgy parts... football wasnt on the tv at his dads house, and then.....
He fell off his bike and broke his foot!
we got the doctor guys out which was quite fun for me because i can understand spanish medically things and i was trying my spanish out on them, but not so fun for micheal because he had an injection in his bum. So he is off for xrays today so lets hope its not too bad!

Apart from all this hoo haa i watched Howls Moving Castle (finished at 3, god i was bored!). Its really cool! I totaly recomend it even if you don't like animated stuff. I have to confess i watched it in english even though its japanese becuase i was too tired to read the subtitles (lame i know) but the people in it looked english and it had the voice of Christian Bale. Excuses made.

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