Monday, January 29, 2007

Costa del Viento

The weather had been crazy this weekend, its been really windy, you can hardly walk in it and the waves are huge. Branches have come off trees and huge metal signs have just bent right over. Now its just raining but it acctually hailed on saterday!. Apparently its going to be stormy for the next week and we already had a power cut this morning, but not at work unfortionatly.
So there, we can have bad weather too!

We had our long overdue christmas dinner last night, it was yum! i also made some scones but they were crap.
There has been a bit of scandel at work but it all comes down to the receptionist leaving (on good terms) and me having to do more work! oh well only 43 more years till retirement!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Zoo Tomorow

Me and will went to the zoo yesterday, it was cool, we saw the tigers having sex and chipanzee's clapping and kingfishers eating and stuff. We got to go in with the lemurs and they jumped on us and one of the pood on me!
We went to the pub and played pool and i beat will, and we watched wik choppin films and evangelion and we ate cake as well.
It was good

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey Peeps

Hey Peeps
Back to normal hours at work. I forgot how irritating paul can be, oh well give a few more days and things will be back to normal.
Last weekend was pretty good, went out! for the first time in ages and played pool and stuff in the pub, then on sunday i went round to annoy Holly so we got some lunch and a moo shake ( on of those places where they put any chocolate bar into a milkshake, but i chose healthy friut one, Yum))then went and played some more pool in the pub.

Michael got a new synema system but it will only play dodgy lookie lookie man dvd's not regular ones. Back to watching dvds on the play station!

Will is coming out this weekend so we can watch wik films and stuff

Better go becaus ei have to buy Paul a baguette for his lunch. Slave or nurse? Hehe

Friday, January 05, 2007

Christmas is over although not for the spanish, its the three kings tomoro, so lots of parades and preasents. Ive just taken down the decorations at work. It was a strange christmas but good. I did miss having a proper christmas dinner but if michael doesnt make me one ill get mum to do one when i next go home!
New year we went to michaels mum and dads for dinner, it was tasty but the main course was purple chicken (i guess it had soaked up those 2 bottles of wine that was in the sauce!). I made bavorois for pudding and it was yum yum. We also did the spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes, one on each chime of 12 o'clock. I managed 6 amd michaels mum nearly choked but she did get all 12 down.
There is no doctor at work this week and next week will be really quite too but it gives me a chance to catch up on my homework. I have mock exams im march so i will be home for them, scarey.
Hope you all had good chrimbo festivities!