Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey Peeps

Hey Peeps
Back to normal hours at work. I forgot how irritating paul can be, oh well give a few more days and things will be back to normal.
Last weekend was pretty good, went out! for the first time in ages and played pool and stuff in the pub, then on sunday i went round to annoy Holly so we got some lunch and a moo shake ( on of those places where they put any chocolate bar into a milkshake, but i chose healthy friut one, Yum))then went and played some more pool in the pub.

Michael got a new synema system but it will only play dodgy lookie lookie man dvd's not regular ones. Back to watching dvds on the play station!

Will is coming out this weekend so we can watch wik films and stuff

Better go becaus ei have to buy Paul a baguette for his lunch. Slave or nurse? Hehe

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