Monday, January 28, 2008

Pan con tomate seca

I had a pretty good weekend.

Michael took me out for food and to the cinema on friday, we saw American Gangster. It was really good, the cinema was practically empty and we got these crazy big armchair seets at the back. Unfortionatly they put Spanish subtitles up, most of which i can understand these days. Its diffictult trying to listen to a film in English and read it in spanish. I kept thinking, ooh look, theres the imperative! I just slid down my chair till i couldn't see the subtitles.

Saterday we just mucked about, went for a breakfast of tostados con marmelada and cafe. did a bit of tidying and watched Master and comander. Oh and michael got his hair cut.

I was supposed to be going to the gym lostd but instread on sunday i made sundried tomato bread. Its very tasty and im very proud of how well it turned out, i am putting a picture of it up for you . As you can see me and michael have already eaten half of it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Los Reyes part 2

Happy New year!

Christmas was fun! It was good seeing everyone back in england and especially good eating mum's chistmas dinner (on new years day).

Apart from a few days the weather here has been really warm and sunny. I even sat out on the balcony and read my gardening book in the sun. Might even start planting a few seeds if its stays like this.

Sunday was Spanish christmas (Epifany), so on saturday they have the 3 kings parade. We popped along to have a look as it was one of the festivals we hadn't seen. After waiting around for about half an hour we decided to walk up to the parade rather than wait for it to come to us. Everyone stands on the side of the road, many with boxes and bags waiting for the floats, all dresseed up as scenes of the 3 kings and other things, to arrive. They all have loads of kids sitting on them who then throw (with some force!) handfulls of sweets at the crowds. If not knocked out but a little sweety bullet everyone, mainly the adults scrabble all over the floor fighting for the sweets. If you have a box you just hold it up and wait for them to land!
its was acctually really fun! We ended up with 2 good pocket fulls of sweets which Michael is making his way through.

I hope you all had good christmasses!