Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I promised I would do something interesting!

I went to a Festival of Tapas!

It was in the castle in Fuengirola. Its pretty small and there were a lot of people there, but they had food and drink and music and a belly dancer!

unfortunately because of all the people it was pretty hard to get near to any of the Tapas stalls, and the Spanish people just shout and whoever is loudest gets served first. I would have joined in if I had an irritatingly high voice and could speak Spanish really fast. Then once they have got served they just stand at the bar eating so no one else can get a look in.
So we ended up waiting at each stall for about 20 mins until we got frustrated and moved on to the next queue.

I did manage to get some really tasty Thai food which was pretty spicy and some Moroccan sweets which are all nutty and really sweet, ummmm!

My house mate has two of her friends over at the moment and they were cooking a BIG FISH on the bbq when I got home so I ate some of that, and them I went to a little Spanish bar and ate omelet and flan(caramel custard).

Food Food Food.

Me and Holly were trying to pusuade Isis to buy us walkie talkies for the dentist so when one is on reception and one in the consultation room, we can say, Holly, "please bring me a huge needle and some surgical blades, oh and a big pair of pliers!"
We're not getting walkie talkies but they bought in this coms system thing but it didn't work when we plugged it in. I told one of the pacients about it but he didn't look impressed.
We might be getting a coffee machines though!

I might do cleaning on one of my friends again tomorrow, if I can force them into the chair. A little more practice and hopefully they will let me loose on the public!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Its been too long...

It acctually rained on friday, it was nice. I got all exited when a patient told me.

Nothing particularly exiting happened last week. I worked on saterday and did cleaning for my house mate, went out last night. Worked ate slept worked ate slept.

I did buy Sin City from a lookie lookie man for 5 euros. Its pretty good, like watching a comic really. Unfortionatly it was filmed from a cinema and had Spanish subtitles all the way through. The good thing is i understood some of them!

Anyways i will try my hardest to do something exiting this week to tell you about.

Toodle pip x

Monday, August 15, 2005

Today I had a day off!

Its a fiesta today so I had the day off. I got up early to sort some stuff out in La Cala, but of course everything was closed, than I went home and mucked about and went to sleep. I then went all the way to Fuengirola for Karate only to find it wasn't on. Pants. Then I just ate chips and chicken nuggets. Its was nice.

I have to admit I spent most of the weekend in front of the TV, watching House of Flying Daggers and then Hero straight after.

Oh well back to work tomorrow...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lets try again...

These pictures where supposed to go with the last entry but it didn't work, sorry.

Things I know about geisha...

The purpose of geisha is to entertain men (but not necessarily in the way your thinking, although they do sometimes) . They can't do things like serve food to their guest but they pour them drinks and chat and sing and dance and play the shamisen and accompany them around.
They mostly live in houses called Okiya, where there are maids, a mother(the owner) and sometimes Aunties, and geisha and maiko(trainee geisha). These people are not necessarily blood related.
There are also youner and older sisters. When a girl becomes a maiko she is appointed an older sister who is already a geisha, to teach her and introduce her to customers and the owners of tea houses. Teahouses are where geisha party's are held.
To become part of an okiya or to be appointed an older sister you must take part in a ceremony, usually involving tea or warm sake (umm).
Tea ceremony is very important to a geisha.
Most geisha try to have a patron, or danna, who is a man who has bid for the geisha and will then keep her in kimono and expensive gifts and a good quality of live. All geisha want a danna (preferably a nice one) because the cost of lessons in the geisha arts can be very high, and all geisha are in debt to the okiya for the investment it put into her as a maiko.
A man can also bid for a geisha's mizu-age (virginity). After this the geisha is not tied to her mizu-age patron in any way.
Original geisha had no say in who their danna or mizu-age patron was.
Geisha used to be the trend setters of Japan, but as times changed they found it hard because of their traditional look and style of art. They did try to become more modern but it wasn't very successful. They are now recognized as one of the most famous and traditional things about Japan.
Of course geisha of today are very different from the Edo period in 1600.
The Gei in geisha means Art.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Sorry its been a while!

Yeah, sorry Dudes!
I spent the weekend recovering from a pretty bad hangover, although it should have been worse considering. Oh well, now more alcohol for me, for about two weeks!

They are changing the hours at work so I might finish earlier on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which will be nice!

Holly was ill today so I worked all day in the surgery. It was good.

I bought apple crumble and am going to eat it soon (with ice cream!)

The sunset was beautiful tonight.

IM going to use the spell check.

IM going to watch terminator 3 now

Toodle pip peeps xxx

Ps. The next post might just be more interesting than this one!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Did anyone watch the new Danny Wallace programe?

It was pretty funny, and he has his own live show afterwards. I went on to sign up as a citizen a while ago but there were technical difficulties. Anyway i read what some of the people had written on the message board and they were all a bunch of sad loosers which kind of put me off, but ill join up anyway. Wouldn't want to let Danny down!

Finished Memoirs of a Geisha, it was really really good. You all should read it. She did something horrible at the end and it made me want to stop reading it, so it wouldn't happen, but the i remembered it was only a book, and that it would proprably be ok in the end anyway.
I started reading geisha, by Liza Dalby. Its all about her resurch on Geisha and when she became one. She is the only non Japanese woman to become one.

Well thats it for now because Michael wants me to turn the computer off so he can watch a film.

See ya xxx