Thursday, August 04, 2005

Did anyone watch the new Danny Wallace programe?

It was pretty funny, and he has his own live show afterwards. I went on to sign up as a citizen a while ago but there were technical difficulties. Anyway i read what some of the people had written on the message board and they were all a bunch of sad loosers which kind of put me off, but ill join up anyway. Wouldn't want to let Danny down!

Finished Memoirs of a Geisha, it was really really good. You all should read it. She did something horrible at the end and it made me want to stop reading it, so it wouldn't happen, but the i remembered it was only a book, and that it would proprably be ok in the end anyway.
I started reading geisha, by Liza Dalby. Its all about her resurch on Geisha and when she became one. She is the only non Japanese woman to become one.

Well thats it for now because Michael wants me to turn the computer off so he can watch a film.

See ya xxx

1 comment:

Cyd said...

Hey, thanks dude, hows tricks? HOpe you had a good Birthday too! x