Saturday, December 24, 2005

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

Wow, Its been a while. Micheals computer totally spudded up and he had to ring some number and give them a ridiculously long code before we could do anything with it.
Last weekend was cool, Lorna came over and we shopped and drank and ate icecream in the cold and dark whilst wakling down the pier at banus. It was cool.
This week has mainly been spent waiting for christmas. I finally got Michael his presents and made biscuity things for the people at work( they said they looked like i bought them, brownie points for me! Brownie, gettit?). I even managed to send christmas cards! I got away lucky this year too because Michael has pretty much organised everything, and paid for it. I have put myself in charge of making the stuffing and the mince pies, which is pretty easy because im the only one who eats mince pies so i only have to make six. Ive never made pastry before though, its sitting in the fridge cooling down and waiting to be rolled with my new rolling pin.
I managed to find a new top to wear out on new years eve so im attempting to slim into it by then. Thats hard when my house mate just bought us a box of fera jaques (ferrero rocher for anyone who isnt familiar with Paddick speek). And they are all for me becuse M doesnt like them. And He has promised me champagne for breakfast!
Anyways i plan to go to the beach on christmas day just becuase you lot can't (yeah it is windy and raining but so) i might leave my bikini at home though.

Well have a super christmas everyone, drink lots and be merry!
Lots of love cyd x

Sunday, December 11, 2005

You will meet a tall hansome stranger...

Despite really not looking forward to it, me and Michael went out for my works Christmas do. I thought everyone was going to be chatting away in Spanish and id just be sitting there asking for translations all night but fortionaly Walfridos two sons didn't come so I was also spared an evening of watching all the other women flirting with them.
Anyway we went to this Greek restaurant in fuengirola, in fish alley. They ordered a big mixed thingy for 8 people so we got loads of homous and yummy salad and mankey cold baked beans and weird fish egg things and stuff wrapped in spinach and yum big slabs of feta and pita bread. That was starters! Then we got loads of meat balls and kebabs and moussaka and rice and weird slug vegetables. Walfrido ordered this big leg of lamb, it tasted nice but was mega chewey, then he ordered a whole one for himself!. They kept plonking stuff on my plate and making us eat it all. Then we drank some horrible coffee and got our coffee grains read. I was very skeptical but the guy said some pretty interesting stuff.
He told me I was a teacher and people learnt stuff from me, that I had my feet firmly on the ground but was very insecure but for no reason. That I am on a different wavelength to my partner , and only one man has the key to my heart, that next year will be hard work but I will know where I am heading.
Vamos a ver!(get you Spanish dictionaries out!)

Anyways I worked till nearly ten on Friday. Then went to play darts. I lost my game, yet again, but Michael says I keep getting better. The club down the road re opened so we went down there afterwards and drank lots and danced about and stuff, which obviously led to a late morning on Saturday. I swam 30 lengths, does that make up for it?

Today we drove for an hour to go to the supermarket. We went to Gibraltar. Everytime I go there a can't believe how skanky it is. Anyway we went to safeway and bought Christmas things and nice bread and things that are expensive in Spain. In Spain they eat big legs of cured ham at Christmas.
Now we are going to eat pork and apples and vegetables and potatoes.

I think next week will be full of buying presents and maybe making a few mince pies. Then Lorna is coming to stay so I shall have to think of something to do with her. Hope your not all to depressed about Christmas yet.

Toodle pip peeps x

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter V Batman

Iam faced with a problem because I was going to tell you all about the new Harry Potter film I saw today, but I have just finished watching the new Batman film and I want to get exited about that too, so im going to bore you with both.
Are you sitting comfortably....

Harry Potter was wik wik wik wik wik!
It was all dark and exiting and there were dragons in it and it was all dangerous because someone got killed and I nearly cried and Voldermort comes back as a man and tries to kill Harry and Harry sees his dead parents because he is wik and there was magic and blowings up and swimming under water and moving trees and lots of lights and I had to pee in the middles of it so I missed a bit and Harry had lots of nasty nightmares and watched people on trial for being deatheaters and someone cut his own hand off.......breath......

Batman was wik wik wik wik wik!
There was lots of fighting and blowings up and nasty men with hallucinogenic drugs and they set fire to his house and he had a wik batmobile and flew around wearing a cool batman outfit and it was all dark and dingey with lots of rooftops looking over a dying cityshots and I needed to pee in the middle again but we put it on pause so I didn't miss anything and the badie was some crazy ninja blokie and some homeless guy killed batmans mum and dad and that's why he is batman and he flew about lots and there was a man in a scarecrow mask with wiggly worms in his eyes and stuff and........breath......

Wik wik wik!