Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter V Batman

Iam faced with a problem because I was going to tell you all about the new Harry Potter film I saw today, but I have just finished watching the new Batman film and I want to get exited about that too, so im going to bore you with both.
Are you sitting comfortably....

Harry Potter was wik wik wik wik wik!
It was all dark and exiting and there were dragons in it and it was all dangerous because someone got killed and I nearly cried and Voldermort comes back as a man and tries to kill Harry and Harry sees his dead parents because he is wik and there was magic and blowings up and swimming under water and moving trees and lots of lights and I had to pee in the middles of it so I missed a bit and Harry had lots of nasty nightmares and watched people on trial for being deatheaters and someone cut his own hand off.......breath......

Batman was wik wik wik wik wik!
There was lots of fighting and blowings up and nasty men with hallucinogenic drugs and they set fire to his house and he had a wik batmobile and flew around wearing a cool batman outfit and it was all dark and dingey with lots of rooftops looking over a dying cityshots and I needed to pee in the middle again but we put it on pause so I didn't miss anything and the badie was some crazy ninja blokie and some homeless guy killed batmans mum and dad and that's why he is batman and he flew about lots and there was a man in a scarecrow mask with wiggly worms in his eyes and stuff and........breath......

Wik wik wik!

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