Saturday, December 24, 2005

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

Wow, Its been a while. Micheals computer totally spudded up and he had to ring some number and give them a ridiculously long code before we could do anything with it.
Last weekend was cool, Lorna came over and we shopped and drank and ate icecream in the cold and dark whilst wakling down the pier at banus. It was cool.
This week has mainly been spent waiting for christmas. I finally got Michael his presents and made biscuity things for the people at work( they said they looked like i bought them, brownie points for me! Brownie, gettit?). I even managed to send christmas cards! I got away lucky this year too because Michael has pretty much organised everything, and paid for it. I have put myself in charge of making the stuffing and the mince pies, which is pretty easy because im the only one who eats mince pies so i only have to make six. Ive never made pastry before though, its sitting in the fridge cooling down and waiting to be rolled with my new rolling pin.
I managed to find a new top to wear out on new years eve so im attempting to slim into it by then. Thats hard when my house mate just bought us a box of fera jaques (ferrero rocher for anyone who isnt familiar with Paddick speek). And they are all for me becuse M doesnt like them. And He has promised me champagne for breakfast!
Anyways i plan to go to the beach on christmas day just becuase you lot can't (yeah it is windy and raining but so) i might leave my bikini at home though.

Well have a super christmas everyone, drink lots and be merry!
Lots of love cyd x

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