Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cactuses and clocks

Aw, christmas is all over now . It all went very quickly. Christmas was cool, i had a really bad hangover and i sat on the sofa all day while michael made me dinner (i did make the gravey!) It was yum and i got lots of cool presents, like a big food prosesor with lots of wizzy bits on it and some purfume and a cactus and a crazy see through alarm clock. Im afraid i didn;t manage it to the beach but michael dragged me out for a walk around the block to look at the building sites.
Last week was pretty busy at work becuase Holly had to work in the other clinic. Friday was just stupid with emergency patients, they just kept coming. It was kind of nice to be working on my own again. I quite like it when its really busy and i have to do everything. It makes the day go quicker and it feels like ive acctually done something, rather than sitting around waiting for patients and cleaning instruments, again.
Last night we went to Milies for their new years eve party. It was weird at first because there was a real mix of people and not many that i know, but after a few drinks i was well away. We celebrated 12 oclock twice, once in spanish time and once in english, which i think is compleatly silly!
So, today i scooped up all of my stuff into bags and dumped it all at michaels house. I have a ridiculous amount of stuff. Where did it all come from, whats it all for? I think i will have to start throwing stuff out because there is no room here for it. Then i cleaned up and broke a few things in Jennies house and now im knackered.
We have a bank holiday tomorow and friday (there are certain advantages to living in spain, i think they have more holidays than working days!) so i guess ill be throwing stuff out.

Happy new year everyone!

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