Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another Sunday Hangover!

I am ashamed to say i have spent another Sunday nursing a hangover (good job im a nurse). (I am not an alcaholic in case you are wondering, i do not think about alcahol when i wake up and usualy don't drink on week days.)Yesterday was a good day. Michaels parents were over and the took us go carting. I got lapped twice but Micheals Dad and once by M and his sister. I could hardly reach the pedals though, i had to ask for a cusion!

Then i went to see Memoirs of a Geisha, which was really good. I was a little dissapointed because although they had stuck very closley to the book, its just wasn;t half as good. I would recomend reading it rather than watching.

Then we went to the pub and i drank a little too much and danced on the stage on my own(around a pole infact but i much to emmbaressed to tell you!) and forgot to keep an eye on how much M's sister was drinking and ended up looking after her for ages whilst she was very sick (Sorry steph!)

So today ive mainly sat in bed feeling rough and watching Pennies from Heaven.

Sorry its a short one peeps but ill write more when i feel a little more alive!

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