Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Nice cup of tea and a sit down.

Well it was good to see you all last week. I did more sorting of banks and discussing my future than having a frivolous holiday, but lifes not a laugh all the time right? Still it was nice to go for a walk without going up hill, and to sit around chatting and drinking tea.

I very nearly missed my flight back to Spain, but being one of the last to book in gave me the advantage of getting one or the last seats on the plane, an extra leg room seat! With no one in the two seats next to me!

When i finally found the station (they moved the road) i went to Fuengirola and got a pretty expencive taxi home. Holly has been staying over and keeping me company till Michael came home last night. We mainly ate loads of junk food and watched films in bed.

Work has been ok, a new Doctor started yesterday(good of them to tell us in advance!). She seems nice enough. She is also Cuban but has been living in Zimbabwe for the last couple of years, so she speaks English with a crazy African accent. She probrably thinks i am mad considering Walfrido gave me the new copy of Good Housekeeping and i danced around the clinic. She told me yeasterday i had to relax around her. Maybe they havent told her im the one with the short temper who shouts at doctors and breaks expencive things!

This week i think i will mainly stay in bed nursing my cold( its now in the coughing up lots of phlem stage, but at least after 3 days my right ear has unblocked and i can hear again, hallelujah!) and watching films and reading books. And drinking tea!

Have fun peeps xx

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