Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ive been checking the postbox every day for about 2 weeks, waiting for the first part of my Dental Nursing course to come through, but with no joy. Then, on friday a huge parcel was delivered to the clinic for me! I have read this months work already. Its about my role as a dental nurse and stuff. The homework looks fairly easy, but im guessing it will get harder!

This week has been nothing unusual. Made my first cake for Milies on friday, but they forgot to sell it (!?)so they put it out today, but i don't think it will go because today is the first day they are doing roast dinner, so everyone is going to be too full to eat it, including me.
They put big yorkshire pudding in it and being really cackhanded some flew off my plate. I thought it was pretty funny but i recon Michael was kinda embarressed.

Managed to go out last night and not pole dance. I have been laying off the alcahol since my last exhibition, so last night it hit harder than usual. I came home at about 3 in the morning and tried to make a cup of tea, then got hickups and laughed continuosly at everything for about half an hour. Beats crying of falling over i suppose!

Oh, i learnt the Spanish alphabet last week, it goes like this.


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