Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wow its been nearly a month since i last wrote. Thats really bad isn't it, sorry guys!
So, whats been going on since then? Mum and Dad came to see me. Fortionaltly the flying experience wasn't too traumatic for Dad and he hired a car and we explored parts of Spain i had never seen before (really Spanishy bits)
We ate out at lots of scummy spanish cafes and one very posh restaurante, for Mums birthday. I ate swordfish.
We drove around these little weenie winey mountain roads and saw the most amazing views. Its so wierd here, beause you drive over the mountains and its all rugged then sudenely it drops into these flat plains that go on for miles and you can see so far over them. occasionally there will be a big rock just sticking up in the middle of nowhere.
We went to Tarifa too. Its the most southernly point of europe. You stand on the beach and you can see Africa right in front of you. T be honest me and M were a bit dissapointed with Tarifa. I didn't think the beach was that nice and it was really tacky. Its always the same, you get a really beautiful place with amazing views, and when you turn around there is some crappy ice cream van and a load of tourists.
Hollie said we missed out on a some ruins and stuff and that its better in the summer.
I looked at Africa through dads binoculars and was really dissapointed. I thought i was going to see morrocan guys with turban things and pointy buildings but it just looked like Spain.
We also drove past a really bad accident and i saw a dead guy in a mashed up car but it made me feel sick and sad so no more about that.

This week has been has been tough. Hollie is away and im bloody knackered. My back kills from bending over patients so much and we have done implants twice in one week. The implants were cool though. If the patient has enough bone, instead of opening the gum up and everything you just drill traight through the gum and bone and its done. No blood, no stitches. Wik!

We just chopped up trout and cooked it and ate it. It was good.

So,I just spent all day watching tv. The weather is appalling. We are just sitting in a big cloud and its pissing it down. I finished watching Bleak house which was good and sad and then i watched the grainy bits of Master and Commander. Films Rule.

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