Saturday, February 18, 2006

Urgh, saturday morning hangover again. I wouldn't have been as bad if the barman in the club had put some lemonade in my Malibu and lemonade. There are certain disadvantages to knowing the barman.

This morning i dragged myself out of bed at about half eleven to make a Birthday cake for Sonia. I forgot it was her birthday yesterday so i will take her a cake today. Its coconut, cherry and malibu cake, with Happy Birthday Sonia written on top in red icing and lots of those little silver balls. I hope it will make her laugh!

Ive been so tired this week, its been a real struggle getting back into work. Now they have the new doctor we have more patients so i seem to be working 10 till 8 with no break. I can take a break but to go where and do what on my own? There seems to be loads of gaps with no patients too so the days are just like years. It gives me more time to read though. im re reading all the Harry Potter books, im on number four at the moment.
This week we had to make the order of dental stuff. i think its my worse job at work. I spend ages finding out what we need, checking out all the catalogues, finding the best prices and specials offers and stuff. Then isis comes and takes over and speaks in Spanish and her and holly finish it all off, Its so irritating. If i didn;t sort it all in the first place it probrably wouldn't even get done. Isis is making me speak in Spanish now becaue she says i can and i will learn it in 3 months. She is probrably right about that.

Isis offered to pay for me to go to an exhibition in Madrid about dental products, so that i have an idea of whats out there and what products are new. Unfortionatly its when Mum and Dad are coming over, but in some ways it will save me some money on flights and hotels. If it were just me gonig i get a shitty cheep flight and stay in a hostle but i guess thats not what Isis and Walfrido had in mind!

I worked with the New Doctor for the first lime last week. We spent two and a half hours on one patient! Oh dear. I tryed to help but didn't want to cross the line, being only a nurse. oh well, we'll see! Im still waiting for the first part of my course to come through. hopefully it will get here next week.

Oh yeah, Valentines Day was ok, i made dinner for Michael but as i didn;t get home from work till about 8.30 we ate at ten oclock. It tasted good though. He eventually bought me some flowers (the day after Valentines Day) They are really beautiful, all yellow and red. They look like lots of little sunsets.

Right, Harry Potter calls and so does the cleaning, but im pretending i can't hear it.

See ya xxx

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