Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sun at last! We have been treated to 2 days nonstop English weather. It just hasn't stopped pissing it down. At least we might not get our water cut off all summer now.
This week hasn't been amazing, I have been having really bad headaches everyday, and massive jaw ache. So, i asked Isis to check it out and she says i have a problem with my occlusion, which i knew, but worst of all, i might need my wisdom tooth extracted. AHHHHH
She said right now its just moving about in my bone, so i can take pain killers and wait for it to stop but if it gets really bad i should get it taken out because its sideways so it will just grow in to the tooth next to it. Bastard!
Its going to be a big surgery thing becase its almost totally in the bone so they will have to cut the gum and drill through the bone and stuff.At least im only ever going to have i wisdom tooth. I think its almost worse for me because i can picture exactly what they are doing!
I hate the dentist!

Last night we watched 'The assasination of Richard Nixon'. it was nothing like what i expected. It was really really sad all the way through. Sean Penn was really good. its wierd seeing him play a bit of a pathetic charecter. Its worth watching though.

Thats it really, might make some cake later. Bought some hair straighteners and did implants yesterday.

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