Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Royal Visit!

This weekend I had a royal visit, (hence no blog, sorry peeps). Her majesty and her majesty's mother came to stay.
It was a cool weekend, we pottered about looking at rich peoples boats in Benelmadena, and ate lunch in Malaga, despite the waitress getting the order completely wrong( and don't blame my Spanish, she was just thick, bloody foreigners). We also bought a big tray of Spanish cakes and ate them all! Yum!
Thanks for coming over Mum and Nanny!

I guess I should fill you in on last week first.
I won my first game of darts, got a complaint because ' I have a bad attitude' and 'lost my temper' with a patient, Spend an evening sobbing all the way through watching 'The Downfall' and spent a whole day at work reading my book till I finished it.
Im now reading The War of Don Emanuels Nether Parts, just to shut dad up (no, I won't admit im quite enjoying it). But don't tell Will because he has been nagging me to read his epic scifi book for ages. Its on the list buba!

That was about it for last week. This week I am going to spend every day at work writing out fifty million Christmas cards for all the patients whilst getting more and more exited about going to see the new Harry Potter film on Saturday.


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