Saturday, November 05, 2005

Drills, darts and tarts.

Bad strart to the week. On Monday night i dropped a very expencive an crucial piece of equipment (the drill) I Hoped no one saw, and put i back in the drawer, went home, opened a bottle of vodka and drowned my worries of being sacked. I rang mum and dad for some consolation, but they laughed when i told them it bounced!
So after a morning of praying and promising never to swear, drink or lie again, i Went to work expecting a good telling off and a termination of contract. (drill handpieces cost over a thousand euros to buy and a good couple of hundred to repair, and its the third time i have broken it!). But it didn't come, and it didn't come on wednessday iether. So all that worrying went to waste! I did appologise and the doctor mumbled something about it being very expencive and that she saw me drop it, but that was it. Only now everytime i drop something, which is alot of times, she gives me a , Cyd, remembr the handpiece, look.
Apart from that work has been pretty borring. its really slowing down now its getting into winter (people obviouusly don't like to visite the dentist in winter. I never really imagined a dentist would get busy and quite periods like shops) On thursday we had 1 patient!

Last Night was darts night. We went to this tiny 'local' bar where they ask you if you want a class with yourr drink and pour mesures of alcahol into a sherry glass before pouring it into your glass. At one point i was holding a glass of ice with my lemonade nowhere to be seen.
Anyway, back to the darts. We won, of course (por supuesto) but i lost my game. I was very very nervous, but i was very nearly winning, and the guy from the other team who was scoring said, 'good darts', and 'your really good' (on hind sight he could have been taking the pee pee) So i wasn't too bothered that i lost, as long as i wasn't totaly rubbish.
Then i got talked into making treacle sponge and manchester tart for some blokies down the bar. Unfortionally the night ended on a bit of a downer when some idiot holiday maker poured a pint over Michael. Then i thought it was time to go home!

Today i might be going to look around one of the dental laboratories, which will be nice.

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