Sunday, November 13, 2005


This week i broke a personal record of staying at work late. On Monday i got home from work at 11 oclock. Which was nice.
I did get half of tuesday off though, in which i made treacle sponge for a guy down the pub. He couldn't wait to get home to eat it so he went next door to the shop and got some custard and ate it there. Apparently i got an 8 out of 10 and a 9 out of 10. Every time he is drunk he goes around telling everyone i am an amazing cake maker blah blah yada yada... When i start making cakes for the bar everyone will be expecting pineapple and pasion fruit roulade, and all their going to get is a sponge cake!
I fnished the lovely bones this week, it was good, but a bit weird. can't remember if i told you but it was about a girl who got murdered, but its written from her perspective in heaven. It isn't religious atall. Its worth reading and definatly more deserving of being called a best seller than White Teeth was.
Anyway the other thing i wanted to tell you about was these really nice things they give you at the chinese restaurante. They are wall nuts covered in caramel type stuff with sesame seeds on. They are Lush.
And i bought a new blue tv yesterday to put in my room with my dvd player, so i can spent all night watching The Two Towers in bed coz its on tv tonight.
I rule!

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