Thursday, May 18, 2006

Today was a good day. I acctually had an ok day at work! Whooba!
I assisted with the first 2 patients, i didn't get annoyed by the doctor, then we all sat around for ages waiting for lunch. We killed time by looking at this hugeantic (one of Hollie great gone wrong english words) book on immpressionists and commenting on how fat the ladies were and how small all the mens willies were. Why do artists paint so many pictures of naked people?
Went to the pub and chatted to Sonia, came out with a good come back at some wierdo who was picking on me (Were you ever a boxer? Why do you have a bolt through you nose?)
Back to work to do the dreaded curetaje (Bone cleaning, lots of blood and views of gummless teeth and bone!)
I wasn't feeling to good about it at first but when i got into it i was having fun. Retracting gum, Sucking up saliva, wiping blood, cutting stitches. Oh my job is a delight.
Then we pulled a little kids tooth out.
Only had time left for a nice sit down and a cup of tea and a chapter of my book.
Just went swimming in the pool (9 oclock!). The weather has been so wierd (muy raro!) it was so cloudy this morning that i couldn't even see across the road. We just get surrounded in cloud, so i took my coat to work thinking i might get cold on the bike, and nearly died of heat exhaustion by the time i got to the bottom! Its been pretty cloudy all day and windy but its so warm. It was like driving through a gigantic hairdryer on the way home.
So now im just waiting for Michael to come back with my pizza.
Not a bad day atall.

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