Sunday, May 14, 2006


Ive been so tired all week and have been really looking forward to my weekend and now its just pants.
We came home on friday to find an investation of buggy things in the bedroom, climbing all over that damp and mould up the walls. so we have moved into the spare room which has the leaking boiler in and where you can't open the window or shutter or curtains incase people break in so its so dark that when you wake up in the moring it still feels like night.
Michael was working yesterday so i spent all day reading and waiting for him to come home. I did get alot of book read and i ate whole salmon steak on the bbq, which was nice. I also made cheese and marmite spirals. Yummy.
Took a pointless trip to lots of closed shops this morning. Even the video shop was closed.The weather sucks. I tried to disinfect the walls in the infested room but it wasn't working to well and now i stink of disinfectant. Its even worse than the smell of dentists.
I have done a bit of home work. I now know the entire contence of an anaesthetic cartridge. Wooba!
Lets hope for a better week next week eh?!

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