Saturday, August 19, 2006

Why does it always rain on me?

So i have finally had enough of work. If i were to explain what was so bad about it i would be here for hours, and mum and dad would be bored because the have heard it all before.
On Monday i got stressed at one of the doctors and she told me my problem was that i had never had it hard (i havent lived in cuba!) and that i shouldn´t bring my problems to work (my problems are work!). On tuesay, bank holiday, i got a phone call from the doctor i used to work with, my bosses enemy, asking if i knew any nurses who wanted a job. i said, Yes, Me!
On wednessday me and holly confronted bosses about overtime and pay (9 hours overtime unpaid in 2 weeks!? A regular occurence). We were told we had it better than anywhere else and that this was resonable. Next day holly isnt at work and nobody tells me where she is. I infact already know that she has been told to take 2 weeks holiday. Obviously its not importand for me or the other doctors to know where she is!? The last straw.
So im not wasting my time on people like that, and i MIGHT be getting a new job, admittedly with a doctor i have had a few problems with in the past, but everything cant be perfect right. It is 10 hours a week less for almost the same money.
Fingers crossed everyone that its all turns out alright!

Oh yeah, its rained the other day!

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