Friday, March 30, 2007

Dali Lama

Last weekend was very hectic! I Flew to england on thursday, spent all weekend travelling around, up and down to bristol for mock exams and things and queing for ages at Gatwick airport.
I did fairly well in my mocks and i did get to chill out with mum and dad and will if only for a few evenings. We ate yum food at the italian in twyford.

Anyway, back to a very rainy spain, although its brightening up now.
Paul was in a foul mood today,he shouted at me and and Janice for something that was totally his fault, especially as me and janice weren't even at work when it happened. In the end i just nodded my head and said 'yes Paul'.
It is his birthday tomorow so last night i made a lemon drizzle cake. It was bloody scruptious! Funny because i just picked a recipe of the net in the afternoon, grbbed some ingredients and voila! Sometimes those quick cakes are the best.

But, the funniest thing that happened this week...Bill, the other doctor told me yesteday that apparently the Dali Lama lives just up the road, on the mijas road! He has a very nice villa.
I will keep my eyes open, maybe ill see him shopping in the market at the weekend!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Goats and guacamoli

So, saterday was fairly hectic this weekend, Michael went to work and i made a carrot and apple cake for my friend, some guacamole and some biscuits. (i was going to make home made cookies but i was running out of time so i found a packet mix which you just add water too. (to be fair they were probrably better than what i was going to make). Carrot cake was good.
Then we went to the butchers, the bakers and the candle stick makers.
After craming food in my cakehole i met my friend Goga and we went to check out this buddhist stupa in benalmadena. It was small. There was a little gallery with tibetan paintings and statues in which was pretty interesting. I was really suprised that you can find something like that around here.It made me want to be a buddhist but i have a slight problem with reicarnation.
The views were amazing too had it been a bit clearer.
Goga took me to this big park too, there was a big pond with turtles in and we saw wierd plants and cactusses and lots of animals. Goats, peacocks, ostriches, rabbits...
So, rushed back home because we were invited to a bbq at the peoples house who live below us (hence the guacamole and cookies). Its was good, we chatted and ate. We sat outside and it was bloody freezing. My feet went numb so i had to warm them up before we dashed off to a bar in fuenirola to watch a spanish Guns and Roses cover band. I was funny, they all dressed up to look like GnR and the singer (Axle rose espanol) was only wearing boxer shorts for most of it. he had a good voice even if the other band members weren't quite as good. Michael got very drunk.
So as you can imagine he spent most of sunday sleeping so i sat about watching fortunes of war. I managed to drag him out for a 10 min walk but that was about as energetic as it got on sunday. We got roast chickend and chips from the pollos asados and i ate loads till i couldn't move off the sofa.
Next weekend ill be taking mock exams!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Una leccion de Espanol

Yesterday i had my first spanish lesson. it was good and i understood everything even though she did her whole lesson in spanish. We did regular and irregular verbs with verb endings. Now i just have tot go learn it!
I might join the gym tomorow too. Time to get off my lasy ass and do stuff. But tonight im going to concentrate on my revision so i don't make a tit of myself in my mock exams. Oh and watch fat people on you are what you eat.

Me and my new friend Goga went to Malaga on Saterday. We went to the new shopping center and i bought a top. It takes ages to get there on the train but it was good to get out of Fuengirola for a bit. We ate bbq (prawns on the bbq) at Michaels mum and dads on sunday. The weather was lush, i sat on the balcony in my bikini top! Its cloudy today though.
I going to iceland after work to but a double decker! yum!