Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Una leccion de Espanol

Yesterday i had my first spanish lesson. it was good and i understood everything even though she did her whole lesson in spanish. We did regular and irregular verbs with verb endings. Now i just have tot go learn it!
I might join the gym tomorow too. Time to get off my lasy ass and do stuff. But tonight im going to concentrate on my revision so i don't make a tit of myself in my mock exams. Oh and watch fat people on you are what you eat.

Me and my new friend Goga went to Malaga on Saterday. We went to the new shopping center and i bought a top. It takes ages to get there on the train but it was good to get out of Fuengirola for a bit. We ate bbq (prawns on the bbq) at Michaels mum and dads on sunday. The weather was lush, i sat on the balcony in my bikini top! Its cloudy today though.
I going to iceland after work to but a double decker! yum!

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