Friday, March 30, 2007

Dali Lama

Last weekend was very hectic! I Flew to england on thursday, spent all weekend travelling around, up and down to bristol for mock exams and things and queing for ages at Gatwick airport.
I did fairly well in my mocks and i did get to chill out with mum and dad and will if only for a few evenings. We ate yum food at the italian in twyford.

Anyway, back to a very rainy spain, although its brightening up now.
Paul was in a foul mood today,he shouted at me and and Janice for something that was totally his fault, especially as me and janice weren't even at work when it happened. In the end i just nodded my head and said 'yes Paul'.
It is his birthday tomorow so last night i made a lemon drizzle cake. It was bloody scruptious! Funny because i just picked a recipe of the net in the afternoon, grbbed some ingredients and voila! Sometimes those quick cakes are the best.

But, the funniest thing that happened this week...Bill, the other doctor told me yesteday that apparently the Dali Lama lives just up the road, on the mijas road! He has a very nice villa.
I will keep my eyes open, maybe ill see him shopping in the market at the weekend!

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