Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cookies and curry

Yesterday i was mostly eating cookies and curry.

The reason for this was it was mine and Michaels 5 year goingoutiversary. We had planned to go out to eat but in the end we could be bothered and to anywhere good would have been too expencive so we have put a hold on the meal till we are richer and went for an indian take away instead. It was good.

As for the cookies, i had planned to make some yummy chocolaty cookies( i think i have mentioned how good they are before) but idecided to cut out a few tonnes of chocolate from the recipe in an attempt to make them a little less fattening. This lead to the mixture being a bit to runny and the cookies spreading out into pancakes. They still taste good, but don't look to good. Michael kept asking for lemon, and when i asked why he said that what he usually puts on his pankakes!

Then we finished the evening with a romantic film, farenheit 9/11! It was pretty good, there was alot in there i din't know and its unbelievable what oges on in politics. If you want to get wound up its a good film to whatch.

I have abloslutly nothing planned for this week but we are off to cadiz for a Vespa weekend with lots of Spanish people, promises to be interesting!

Ps. I disn't make or eat the cookies or the curry in the picture. They look disgusting and mine were both quite tasty!

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