Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Last week we went on holiday to portugal. The plan was to drive up in michaels car on saterday, meet up with his parents who we were going to stay with , then come back on thursday.
So friday night we take take the car to the car wash, and hoover it out and everything, and michael puts in the new part he has bought for it. Of course packing gets left till saterday morning but we are on time so no worries. Traffic is pretty bad on the autovia so we stop and start all the way to the areport turn off just before Malaga when someone a few cars in fron decide to break hard. The car 2 in front breaks, the car in front breaks, we break, the car behind doesn't.
All the people involved Happened to know eachother and be from somewhere in morocco or africa. Luckily thaey did have insurance but our car is still a write off. I had to call Spanish 999, after someone finally remembered the number!
So we drove home, stopping on the way to let some steam out from under the bonet, and started again on sunday with a hire car.
We got to Portugal in the afternoon, have a llok at the beach and ate bbq. (This is what we did for most of the holiday)
We Swam in the sea, went up into the mountains and ate piri piri chicken, walked along the beautifull coast, all jagged cliffs and smooth sand. We spent a day in Lagos too and ate fish soup i a very Portugese cafe where they give you bread and a tin off sardine paste among other things for a starter. So fun was had by everyone!
Driving home was fine exept for the speeding fine we got, 70€, 146 in a 120 limit. oops.
Jane from keycamp arrived in the evening and we spent the weekend looking pottering aroung, went to Mijas, ate a chocolate brownie ice cream, relaxed around the pool.

Back to full hours this week at work but me and Michael are off to Cadiz next weekend for a Vespa Meeting.

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