Monday, October 08, 2007

Bikes,steak, football, horses, flamenco dresses...

I supppose i should tell you about the scooter rally in Marbella first. It was pretty much the same as the one in cadiz but we got to drive( on Michael's newly fixed bike) around marbella and puerto banus which was cool because we know the area and its full of snobs and plebs and they all looked surprised to see 100 old vespas in bright colours driving around where the toff usually parade their expensive sports cars.

We all ended up in a restaurant which was so cramped it was difficult to actually eat the 3 courses they had prepared for us (Michael ate some pretty good rabbit, but i opted out on the tripe soup with chickpeas!)

There was alot of riding that day and i ended up with an incredibly sore bum! Unfortunately the repsol vespa of which there is a picture on my last entry broke down on the way home so we all stopped for coffee in La Cala to wait for the grua.

Michael went to Valencia last Sunday to work and the football ground putting up the publicity. On the Saturday we went to one of his work mates bbq's. He is Argentinian and had got half and Argentinian cow to put on the bbq. It was the best steak i have ever eaten (after i had taken the skin and fat off, this was proper cow!) He jsut put loads of salt on when he was cooking it but it was really tasty.

Anyways, Michael went off on sunday morning and i stayed in all day waiting for holly to come back from Seville because she had promised to stay over and keep me company but she didn't come so it was a bit of a wasted sunday.

I survived whilst michael was away, even through the thunder and lightning and the spider in my bedroom! The valencia chelsea game was on on wednesday so i met Ben and Goga for dinner and then we went to whatch it to see if we could see micheal. Unfortionatly i think the only time he was on tv was right at the beggining which we missed. Nevermind, they won and michael came home with loads of chelsea stuff from the ground to put up around the house (yay).

The feria is on this week so there are loads of flemenco ladies on horses all around Fuengirola. Me and Goga went down to see what was going on yesterday. i will put on a few photos so you can get the picture (haha)

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