Friday, October 26, 2007

Tai Chi Soup

After 2 very dull weeks i decided to do more this week. After work on monday i met up with Maria Jose and we had coffee and chatted, mainly in spanish but i made her read aloud from good housekeeping magasine so she could get a little english practice. I asked her to come to the lottery shop with me so i could get a ticket (i was scared). So iv'e got my fingers crossed for tonight! I bought michael a cake on the way home but he had gone out to play pool by the time was back so i watched a film from the video shop (curse of the golden flower). It was good, chinese with some fighting and killing and lots of deciept. The story was acctually alot like Hamlet.

On tuesday i went for my first Tai Chi lesson, it was like doing very very slow karate. I have paid for a month of lessons in november so hopefully i will learn some more spanish and make some spanish friends. Its in the council run sports center which is pretty nice, its really big and has a pool, gym, tennis and football courts and rooms for martial arts and stuff. The best this is that its really cheep!

We started havin ghte new cupboards put in the surgery yesterday so its a mess, they are supposed to finish today but they are now saying they will do it on monday, spanish time!

I think i will be spending this weekend sorting out the house for mum and dad and will, wills room to be is currently a very messy store room. Ahh well there is always the bath!

I was making some soup the other day and an idea for a new recipe poped onto my head. Im gonig to try it out and send it to the covent garden soup company and make loads of money, life sorted!

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