Saturday, May 03, 2008

At last, we have the internet at home again. Though it wasnt easy, i had to ring the help line about 5 times before we could get it to work. A test on my Spanish, although perhaps the fact that it took 5 attempts is saying something.

Mum and dad were out last week, the weather was really good and we did lots of looking at things. The botanical gardens in Malaga, the Zoo, velez-malaga and a very long drive in the mountains in which we saw a circus school?!

We ate so much spanish food i could hardly move.

This weekend is the feria de los pueblos, we are going tonight i think, depending on if michael ever gets home from work!

I was back in england a few weekends ago, it was good spending time with everyone. We did lots of cooking, Me and mum made fresh pasta from the eggs 'the girls' had laid that morning, and me and Jon made bread, special bread that doesnt need to be cooked in a tin!

Ill try to take some good pictures tonight

Toodle pip

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