Sunday, July 13, 2008


That was the sound i made when i woke up this morning and remembered how much beer i had drunk last night! If thats the sound i made god knows what sort of sound michael made, he slept on the sofa all night!

Acctually we had a good day yesterday, we went to a bbq in the afternoon and then went to a reggae night on the beach in la cala. There were loads of people there, all smoking reggae related substances and chillin to some Bob Marley. Anyways the only choice of beer size was small or a litre, so you an guess which we ended up with. It was fun.

Friday night we played mini golf, i was really bad, but i got in some much needed spanish practice.

Today we have spent ages sorting the house out (with hangovers) ready for friends to come over. We had tv intervals just to make it more bearable, and ate junk food. What else are sundays for?!

As promised here are some birthday kew pictures. I would have put some reggae night pictures on but the battery in michaels camera ran out before i could take one!

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