Saturday, July 05, 2008

Last night i was mostly...

Being sick. It seems me and scallops arn't friends. Never mind, ill stick to prawnies.

So today im feeling rather delicate, and as its soo hot ive done pretty much nothing, a bit of reading, watching telly, sleeping on the sofa. Its so hot i couldn't even be bothered to go to the pool, yet again this year im going to be the whitest english person living here.

Yesterday was michaels birthday, i think he had a good time, he liked his presents and we went out for tapas in the evening (hence the scallops). I stupidly left everything to the last minuit and spend most of yesterday rushing around getting a card and wrapping paper and making a big chocolate cake. I didn't quite get time to put the chocolate topping on the cake and couldn't quite face doing it this morning . Michael said he didn't mind, we could just save the '30' candle for my birthday!

Last week was ok, my spanish teacher has set me up with her sister for language exchange conversation which should help, and Bill had a moan about me to Paul, apparently imunhelpfull and we only ever refer him patients that don't pay, haha.

The plants on my small balcony are doing well, my runner beans are growing really fast and the sunflowers are getting there too. Ive also got some lettuce ready to eat.

Unfortionatly on the big balcony the catterpillars are getting to eat more than we are!

Its not quite Kew gardens yet but im getting there! I'll put some birthday kew pictures on some other time.

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