Saturday, September 13, 2008

At Last, a blog!

Its been a while, sorry, but here are some pictures of the beer festival we went to the last 2 weekends.

Everything has started to get busy here again. Summer hours are over and normal opening hours have resumed. That means working late for me.
Although there was another bank holiday last week and of course everything will shut down on feria week in october...

The beer festival was fun. The first time we went they ran out of good beer so we had to drink this weird german wheat beer. It was disgusting. The evenings entertainment was a load of drag queens singing and dancing. The sencond night we were there they got pushed off stage by the brazillian dancers and the brass band. Everyone loved them and were all dancing on the tables, including me, fuelled by the litre glasses of beer michael kept buying us.

I managed to get michaels mum up to do the YMCA but then i was on my own, jigging away all night.

Over the 2 weekends i managed to smuggle out a 1/2 litre and a litre beer glass with the munich october fest picture on the side. They are sitting proudly with my random collectiong of plastic wine glasses and barbie plates. Michael seems to have spent most weekends lately worse for wear (ok and me to) and hasn't got round to using them yet.
Last night i went out with a friend for some tapas and a few drinks. So today i just about managed to do the shopping and get a coffee and now im just chillin, watching memoirs of a geisha and trying to catch up on some emails! Not too different to last weekend, i spent the whole of sunday on the sofa reading.
Well, mum and dad are over on wednessday to sort me out, and i have a new course starting soon, so no rest for the wicked!

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