Monday, October 13, 2008

Holiday blog 1: Colds and cockerels

Blog time! I wrote a little diary while we were on holiday so i could remember all the good things to tell you, but it turned out a bit longer than planned so i maight have to do it in installments, which isnt so bad coz then i can put more pictures in, and maybe even a video clip if i can get it to work.
We have all got the lurgy here, even over our holiday, but michael is out in the kitchen cooking me up a casarol to make us feel better.

Here goes with the holiday:


Left pretty late coz i had booked an emergency hair cut in the morning, then took a slightly longer route by tarifa but got here fine. Some idiot had forgotten to print of a map or the adress of our apartmet, so i had to run to an internet cafe to print them off so we could find our way through the maze of narrow streets to our house.

The woman was waiting and showed us in, showed us the clean laundry on the line and the towels still in the washing machine. Oviously we change the bed ourselves. On carefull and sniffing i suspected that very little had been cleaned, and whoever took the photos for the website must have been a dab hand at photoshop. I finally found the toaster in the cupboard but there is still no kettle. Nevermind, its small and cosy and fine for what we want.

We popped out for a quick look around and to park the car. Its very pretty in the old town, right by the sea. We walked by some gardens and stopped in a square for a cana some tapas of albondigas (meatballs) which were delicious! We also saw a woman feint in the cafe.

As we walked back we saw new parts of the city, and parts we seemed to have past a few times already, so round and round we went till we finally found home.

Decided to stay in for the evening as michael had caught my sore throaty ague thing with extra bunged up nose and aching.

I must have woken up 20 times in the night, there was a baby crying,a kid with a recorder, doors banging, people chatting outside the window, scooters starting and someone dragging a bloddy dustbin up and down the cobbled street. Finally got some sleep but was rudely awoken by a cockerel?!

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