Friday, June 19, 2009

Birthday Blog: Brownies and Ballons!

Happy Birthday to me for last tuesday. I had a rather tafferish birthday as usual. i had to work in the day, but finished at 3. Then i went to see my friend who's birthday it was too, and she was having a Sweedish sandwich party in her Cafe, so i joined in. The Sweedish sandwich was huge, and had lots of fruit and salad and cheese and ham and mayonaise in. It really was the size of a baking tray, i have never seen anything like it!
In the evening michaels family came over and we had a BBQ on the balcony, amid my very own kew, which is coming on nicely, dispite not having alot of time to attend to it this year.The tree top walk will have to wait till next year!
It was a proper BBQ party because Mum had sent me balloons and pink serviettes which i made eveyone use, and i got straws with paper fruit on for 90c from mercadona. I also made a lovely jelly cake which i forgot to take a photie off. I did make some little birthday muffins though and michael make me lovely gooey chocolate brownies the weekend before.
Jane was out last weekend too, and we all went to the international feria and blues night. It was fun, but i burnt my mouth on some roast potatoes, and drank just enough to talk non stop about boob jobs for 3 hours and feel suitably embaressed.
Anyway i think Jane had a good time. We spent most if it on our new balcony sofas chatting, reading and drinking tea!

So, Thankyou for all my Happy Birthdays! Im still getting over turning 25, though Paul at work has made me promise not to grow up!

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