Friday, June 05, 2009

Squirrels, potatoes and Camu-camu's

Well, yet again Paul is away and im at work on my own. I already spend a few days painting the clinic, swapping all the plasic plants for real ones and removing the awfull old pictures in mismatching frames. This weekend i am going to buy some new frames and get a few photos i have taken of Spain and brighten the clinic up a bit more.

I have rung all the patients due for check ups (one of my least favorite jobs), ordered new stock (another of my least favorite jobs) and tidied the kitchen (stock room) and reception draws (the sort of jobs i can only stand when im REALLY bored). So i though with all of that done, i really have no excuse for not writing a blog!

I don't have anything overly exiting to tell you all, most of my time has been filled with thinking about studying, starting to study, then doing something far more interesting and important, like washing up, or making new cusion covers for the outside chairs. Oh and of course wearing in the now balcony sofas. The best thing about those is that the sun shines on them at certain times of the day, so i can get a tan lounging on the sofa!

Anyway, all of that is over for now, as i took my exam last monday. I think it went ok, apart from the weird questions on albino squirrels, osmotic potatoes and cumu cumu fruit! I was hoping to just draw a big carbohydrate and a few bits of DNA but it wasn't to be.

I managed to fill in most of the answer spaces with half sensible answers, rather than photosynthesis for all of them like Michael tells me he did! he was sure to get one right!

Now i have to wait till 20th Agust to get my results. In the mean time i can start learning about 'the voice of the genome' and 'biodiversity', and watch the spansih news and weather (yes, today it is 'Scorchio!)

A few weekends ago we went on a vespa do in La Cala. it turned out better than i though, we were sat next to couple while we were eating the paella (of course) so i practiced my spanish out on her, and i won on the raffle (as did everyone else) and got a pair of bicycle handles, a pair of pedals, and about 6 spark plugs, 2 straw hats, a other hats, a t shirt, and a load of other junk.

This weekend i will mostly be nagging Michael to take me to ikea. I have a family card now and they have an offer on fabrics, what better excuse to cut and stick and generly make a mess? If the results turn out ok, ill take some photos for you.
I will also be trying to find a new book to read, im in that awful situation when you have just finished a good book (A thousand splendid suns) and can't get into another one, though i bought ' the pirates Daughter' cheap in the bookshop yesterday, so ill give that a go. Its on the Richard and Judy summe reads, so what more can i say?!

Right, better get on with shuffling bits of paper i keep asking to Paul to sort out, and make the place look like ive done something.

Toodle pip

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