Sunday, September 04, 2005

And now for something completely different...

Wow, writing this blog makes me realize that I really don't do anything interesting enough to tell people about!

I had a karate lesson all one my own last week, it was cool, I got to learn how to do all the moves in detail, so it doesn't look so sloppy anymore.
We had to work with a new doctor on Thursday, she was weired. I think she only knows how to do extractions. She has a really different was of working to Isis. I have to stop myself from from looking at the patients with a "get out of she will pull all your teeth out " look. Maybe she is good, I can't really tell as IM not a doctor, but I have my reservations, we'll see.

I watched Vera Drake on Friday night, it was so sad it made me cry. They blatently shouldn't have put her in prison, innit!

I bought 3 new books from the bookshop too. I got The Binding Chair, White Teeth and Empire of the Sun. There was a big book on the Spanish Civil war that was looking at me but it was a little pricey. Maybe WHEN IM rich huh.

Yeah and last night was weired, I went to a weird bbq and then to some bars and when I came home Michael was snoring loads so I went and slept on the sofa. Stupidly I choose the small one and now IM all crumpled up!

Anyway, I shall be seeing some of you at the weekend and I can apologize for not doing anything particularly interesting in person.

See ya peeps.

1 comment:

Cyd said...

What on earth makes you think i want to join a dating agency?!