Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weddings and Working.

Wow, last weekend was cool, Edinburgh is such a cool place, it had cool shops and loads of cafes, like Fuengirola has dentists.
The flights were a bit mank, i really dont want to do 4 in a row again!
Ill post some of my photos on here when i get them developed.

The picture, if you were wondering, is a motorcycle helmet. Its a bit like m new one, but mines black and sleek. It has that lifty up thing at the front.

Well, all ive done since i got back is work. Holly was at the other clinic on friday so i had to assist all day and i was well tired, and then work with the orthodontist yesterday.

Having said that i did find time to watch a whole tv series yesterday, called Sugar Rush. It was quite good, about a teenage lesbian in a dysfunctional family. What? It was only 10 episodes!

So, im going to Rambo's BBQ tonight, Michael is off playing golf, so im going to entertain myself with Cydy things, like cutting pictures out of magazines, mesuring things, making cakes, moving things around my bedroom, making a mess....Arn't weekends great?

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