Saturday, September 24, 2005

scuba dubdubdub...

Finished White Teeth. I was totally unimpressed considering it won loads of awards and was supposed to be a fantastic book. It was an easy read and you sort of got comfortably involved in the characters and their lives but it seemed as if nothing much happened, athough if i think about it i guess a lot did. It was trying to deal with quite a lot of social issues, but the people didn't feel like ordinary people. I think she tried to do to much but didn;t think it out enough. Also she went on about stuff and im thinking, is all this really necessary?

Anyways so now thats out of the way its on to Harry Potter. I read over 100 pages whilst i was on reception on friday morning. Although i pretty sceptical about the later Harry Potter books, it was quite exiting to be reading the new one, although i have forgotten what happened in the last one so im a bit confused.

Lastnight i went out with Jennie and Darren (housemate and her boyfriend). We went to a pub quiz. We lost miserably (second last acctually) and that was after someone told us loads of the answers!
Then we just went and drank some. Then some more.

Today i had a hangover (suprise) but got myself up at 10, made bacon and beans on toast, read FHM (filthy blokie magazine) then had to practicaly run down the hill to the bus stop (were talking a 40 min walk for those who don't know where i live) then run to get the bus and leg it to the post office before it closed to pick up my new comic. I was very sweaty and hot by this time so i went and sat on a bench in the park and started reading. Then i ate a pan au chocolate an went to the beach (see picture) and read some more ( and got a bit burnt). It was really cool, listening to the sea and getting some sun and reading. I sort of wanted other poeple to be there with me but i was also sort of glad no one could get in touch with me and i was all on my own.
Then i ate a big chiken baguette and went back to Calahonda in time to miss the train to my house and loose my jumper.
So i sat in the pub, reading my new comic, whilst everone got histerical about the football.
I must have looked really strange considering i was still carrying my comic in a big Amazon cardboard box, and kept packing and unpacking it.

So there you have it, take away, Harry Potter, comics and the Xfactor tomoro!

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