Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another Sunday Hangover!

I am ashamed to say i have spent another Sunday nursing a hangover (good job im a nurse). (I am not an alcaholic in case you are wondering, i do not think about alcahol when i wake up and usualy don't drink on week days.)Yesterday was a good day. Michaels parents were over and the took us go carting. I got lapped twice but Micheals Dad and once by M and his sister. I could hardly reach the pedals though, i had to ask for a cusion!

Then i went to see Memoirs of a Geisha, which was really good. I was a little dissapointed because although they had stuck very closley to the book, its just wasn;t half as good. I would recomend reading it rather than watching.

Then we went to the pub and i drank a little too much and danced on the stage on my own(around a pole infact but i much to emmbaressed to tell you!) and forgot to keep an eye on how much M's sister was drinking and ended up looking after her for ages whilst she was very sick (Sorry steph!)

So today ive mainly sat in bed feeling rough and watching Pennies from Heaven.

Sorry its a short one peeps but ill write more when i feel a little more alive!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sun at last! We have been treated to 2 days nonstop English weather. It just hasn't stopped pissing it down. At least we might not get our water cut off all summer now.
This week hasn't been amazing, I have been having really bad headaches everyday, and massive jaw ache. So, i asked Isis to check it out and she says i have a problem with my occlusion, which i knew, but worst of all, i might need my wisdom tooth extracted. AHHHHH
She said right now its just moving about in my bone, so i can take pain killers and wait for it to stop but if it gets really bad i should get it taken out because its sideways so it will just grow in to the tooth next to it. Bastard!
Its going to be a big surgery thing becase its almost totally in the bone so they will have to cut the gum and drill through the bone and stuff.At least im only ever going to have i wisdom tooth. I think its almost worse for me because i can picture exactly what they are doing!
I hate the dentist!

Last night we watched 'The assasination of Richard Nixon'. it was nothing like what i expected. It was really really sad all the way through. Sean Penn was really good. its wierd seeing him play a bit of a pathetic charecter. Its worth watching though.

Thats it really, might make some cake later. Bought some hair straighteners and did implants yesterday.

Friday, January 06, 2006

This week i am being very culinary. I made apple pie and today i am making soup, because its mega rainy and cold and misty and stupidly windy.
Today is bank holiday. Every spanish person is opening presents and eating big feasts of Spanish delights. Im dilly dallying about the house drinking cold cups of tea(why do i always seem to forget i have made a cup of tea till its cold?) and tidying things up. I think its pretty funny that whilst the Spanish are eating big legs of ham and celebrating Los Reyes Magos (epiphany, three kings blah blah) we are all taking down our christams trees and saying 'well, thats christmas over for another year'.
In fact i can almost hear dad saying it now as he battles to get the christmas tree outside using as many swear words as possible. I took the decorations off our tree and then took the top of the tree off and tried to fold all the branches up. I got stuck then, i don't understand artificial trees. Im left with a normal tree exept for the top part which has all the branches stuck together and pointing up!

Just wizzed my soup in my new superdooper blendy thing.

We have been watching Long Way Round where 2 blokies go round the world on motorbikes. Its well wik and funny. Everytime i see any pictures of Monglia i really want to go there. Its such a crazy place with huge flat plains of nothingness and mountains round the edges. Not sure i fancy the testicle soup they were eating though!
I am thinking of doing 'Travels around Spain on a scooter'. Once i have the light working properly and the clutch fixed and the brakes have stopped squeeking i think ill be ready to go. It might take as long as going round the world considering its illegal to use the main road on a 50 cc!

I have been doing lots of resurch on courses for the National Certificate in Dental Nursing. I think ive figured it all out. There is a corespondence course that Bristol Uni does. Its all tailored to you and how long you want to spend on each module and when you want to take the exam and stuff. You also get to go to the uni before you take the exam and do some days on exam tecniques and practical stuff and a mock exam.
I was hoping to do it without Isis knowing but apparently they want contact with the clinic you are working at and stuff, not that they will understand eachother, but that might be good for me.
So i think it will be really hard work, especially as i will have to do it all on my own with out teachers nagging me, although you do have homework. Maybe this time i will manage to pass my exams!

Well, unfotionatly im working tomorow, straightening peoples teeth out (i knew that karate would come in usefull) Have a good weeken peeps and see you all at the end of January xx

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Cactuses and clocks

Aw, christmas is all over now . It all went very quickly. Christmas was cool, i had a really bad hangover and i sat on the sofa all day while michael made me dinner (i did make the gravey!) It was yum and i got lots of cool presents, like a big food prosesor with lots of wizzy bits on it and some purfume and a cactus and a crazy see through alarm clock. Im afraid i didn;t manage it to the beach but michael dragged me out for a walk around the block to look at the building sites.
Last week was pretty busy at work becuase Holly had to work in the other clinic. Friday was just stupid with emergency patients, they just kept coming. It was kind of nice to be working on my own again. I quite like it when its really busy and i have to do everything. It makes the day go quicker and it feels like ive acctually done something, rather than sitting around waiting for patients and cleaning instruments, again.
Last night we went to Milies for their new years eve party. It was weird at first because there was a real mix of people and not many that i know, but after a few drinks i was well away. We celebrated 12 oclock twice, once in spanish time and once in english, which i think is compleatly silly!
So, today i scooped up all of my stuff into bags and dumped it all at michaels house. I have a ridiculous amount of stuff. Where did it all come from, whats it all for? I think i will have to start throwing stuff out because there is no room here for it. Then i cleaned up and broke a few things in Jennies house and now im knackered.
We have a bank holiday tomorow and friday (there are certain advantages to living in spain, i think they have more holidays than working days!) so i guess ill be throwing stuff out.

Happy new year everyone!