Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Conundrum

It hasn't been a great start to the day, but ill start with yesterday.
Yesterday started with a cold shower! The element in the boiler had broken again, it was painfull. When i got to work i found the water had been turned off which is a right pain when you spent most of the day cleaning.This morning there was just a miserable dribble coming out of the taps so worse than a cold shower i had no shower, then i found that my washing hadnt been washed in the machine which i need for going away, then i spilt and broke a glass of orange juice (last drop in the carton) and realised i had no bucked to mop it up in. And now there is still no water at work. Things can only get better right?
Anyways its the last day of work before christmas and im getting exited, we are driving up to Sevilla tomorow and the weather is supposed to be good!
I hope you all liked your "countdown" christmas cards. As Jon rightly pointed out glitter glue does not stick to shiney paper, why didn't any one tell me before. Oh well, i hope you all manged to stick the letters back on in the right order, yes the answer to the christmas conundrum was


Have a good one xx

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