Thursday, December 07, 2006

I acctually did something worth telling you about lastnight (ie i didn't just stay at home watching films). It was Hollys birthday yesterday so we went for a meal, it was cool, i had really yummy vegetable lasagne and they bought out a massive chocolate cake for Holly and the whole restaurant sang happy birthday (rather her than me!). Fortionatly there were some other english speaking only people there. Ileft them drinking stange but tasty and very alcoholic cocktails in a bar. I an going out with them on friday too so there may be more tales to come!
SO i had to get a life to work this morning as i had let my scooty at Hollys, meaning it was an hour and a half early for work and i even had an hour to spare after eating cake and hot chocolate in a cafe. Admittedly i had to walk around for a while till i found a cafe with not only men in. I have nothing against men but a whole cafe full, especially spanish, ones can be a bit intimidating!

Well the suns up so i had better do some work

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