Thursday, December 14, 2006

In an effort to give myself more energy i have resolved not to go home and sleep in my siesta but to do some exercise! Therefore im quickly eating soup from a tupperware box and writing this before i go for a walk. I acctually have a few christmas presents left to get too. Then i will probrably come back and sleep on the waiting room chairs. The problem with this clinic is tha tthe chairs are not as comfortable as the massive leather sofas in the old clinic.
Im going to visite Isis tomorow and bake her some fruity shortbread pillows (an interesting variation of mince pies i found in a cook book) .
Last weekend i went out for hollys birthday #2. it was good, i got a bit drunk and came home at half 4. i was greated with, You smell, from an asleep michael. I then spent all of saterday feeling pants, not helped by being dragged out of bed earley to go food shopping, eargh.
Michael crashed his dads car yesterday so as you can see our luck is really getting better, fingers crossed for getting to sevilla!
Im might try to make the house look christmassy at the weekend, my pionsettia just isn't doing the job.

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