Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Already!?

I finished reading Lolita the other day.
It was good but to bee honest a bit of a struggle towards the end. Its one of those wierd books that makes you wonder why anyone would think of writing a book like that. Its really wordy and i admit i missed a few pages out here and there when i got a bit stuck, but he makes you feel alot of sympathy for the protagonist (woo) even though he is a peadophile. The wierd thing is that he really was in love with lolita, so much so that he killed for her (nice guy all round huh?) She was a bit wierd, not sure what he saw in her reallly.

Now im reading memoirs of a geisha, its pretty good, quite interesting. I will elaborate more when ive finished it.

Film wise me and michael spent the last couple of evenings whatching Kill Bill, and you know. I still think its cool, but idon't think Michael was too impressed. He gave it a 5 out of 10 and i think he prefered the second one and didn't like the animated bit in the first one!!!
Thinking about it i guess niether are really as good as resevoir dogs, but everyone expects Tarantino films to be amazing so the guy has a lot to live up to.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Today i wore a skirt! (A green one)

Did implants this morning, well i didn't, i just assisted.

First we had to pull 5 of the guys teeth out, cut his gum and expose the bone, and drill and screw the implants in, add artifial bone, and then sew him all back up again.

I hope you were all eating when you read that!

I acctually was quite enjoying myself, now i don't feel sick at the sight of bones and things anymore. I also didn't make any really bad mistakes, which was nice!

Anyways i spent the rest of the day cleaning because my house mate is home tomoro (it really was quite a mess, dirty pants and unwashed plates everywhere!) Unfortionatly the mopp have some wildlife in it so i had to scrub the floor with my hands and knees!

Best news of the day, i managed to fit into some old (slightly smaller) clothes again! Woohoo!

See ya xx

Friday, July 29, 2005

A bad start to the day, but so far not a bad end

Yeah, i over slept, probrably due to waking myself up in the night crying and shouting because i was dreaming about looking at Michael in a body bag, nice!

So i pretty much ran to work, which is not nice when its 35 degrees, but spent the day piddleing about in the new clinic in fuengirola. it was cool (coz i also got to go to a big garden centre, and it wasnt even my birthday!)

Now im eating noodles and whatching Kill Bill 2!

Have to do implants tomorow

see ya x

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Guess what i did today!?

Sorry i haven't written for a while. No excuses, but...

So, did have a fantastic morning, found out i have an exam in dental nursing in a week, in SPANISH!
I have 3 options:

1 Don't go to work on that day
2 Don't write anything on the exam paper
3 Pray (its a multiple Choice)

Ohh, a list, specialy for Iain!

Anyways, whats really annoying about this is they haven't even told us what we need to know for the test, and im going to look like i know absolutley nothing. Humph!

Now we get to the exiting but of the day......

I did cleaning! like a proper dentist!

I did do it on Holly, the other nurse, but i did it all the same. It was fun, and very hard. At first i had to try doing it right handed, because we only have a right handed chair (?!) but the i moved round and did it properly. I kept forgetting to lift my foot off the pedal when i took the ultrasonic scaler out of Hollys mouth and i got water everywhere. i made a right mess!
Isis said i did ok though, and they looked alot cleaner afterwards. Apparently the only things i did wrong were poking to much with the mirror, and saying sorry to muc.
So whos up next to experience my new hygine skills?, Don't be shy now.

I think there was other stuff to tell but am off to eat spanish omlet and whatch Kill Bill.

I rule

Ps. Sorry about the spelling, no time for the spell check, and HI DADDY xxx

Friday, July 22, 2005

Thursday, July 21, 2005

One more day of the week left.

Its hot here. I know this shouldn't be a surprise to me, but everyday I wake up, open the door, and think, God its hot here. Roll on winter that's what I say.

So, after drinking a little too much (first drink for a week!) and boring some couple in the bar to death with dentistry and the difference in calorie content in normal and Diet drinks, I woke up with a slight hangover. Work was pretty boring, again. Spent most of the day explaining that it wasn't necessary to ask me if the air conditioning could be switched off, or anything else for that matter, and that it was acceptable for the new girls to make decisions by them selves (hypocrite). And cleaning the whole surgery with a cotton bud! ( Slight exaggeration, only slight) But got to go home early!

Booked flights to Edinburgh, so you might be lucky enough to see me again in September (in England, not Edinburgh) and am off to Karate in a bit. The thought of it is already making me tired!

Oh well, only one more day of the week left!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Have a pretty picure i took while youur reading this.

Im having a crap day!

Title says it all really. Still over worked and under paid, despitle spending a long boring day trying to read if only i didnt have people interupting all day. Did finish my book and do the daily mail su do ku and the su do ku X. Thanks to dad and jon for getting me into it. A good time waster. The Su do ku X is easier than the normal one, but i dont like the super one with 12 numbers and 16 boxes.

So are any of you lot reading this?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Im Hungry

Well, nice (oops) to see all the comments I got back.
So, last night, after a lengthy conversation with mum,dad and Will, in which I mainly repeated everything three times but with slight variations for my own sake, I spent the whole evening reading. It was Fantastic!
I don't find a lot of time to read out here so it was good. Yes man isn't as funny as Join me, but there was this one bit that made me laugh out loud. I felt a bit stupid afterward as I was on my own, but then I figured no one heard so I laughed again, even louder!
When you have all read it, which you will inevitably ( one of my favorite words) do, I will tell you what I thought was so funny, but I wont spoil it. The patients at work must find it strange that there is a small English girl all dressed in white giggling to herself behind the reception desk. That's Dannys fault that is.

Work is pretty quiet but also pretty hectic. Its quiet because I spent a lot of time on reception because the new girls are learning in the surgery, but im used to pottering about on my own and doing everything my way, oblivious to everything else as I can't understand what everyone is saying. Now I have incessant jibbering in my ears all day. IM beginning to realize what its like to be my friend. Did I really talk that much?!
Isis offered to let me pull someone's tooth out today and i jumped at the chance, but she was only joking. I can't wait to do some real dentistry! ive scared the other two but telling them about this bone cleaning thing that nearly made me faint, and they have to do it on Friday. HAha!

Have chosen some photos for my great money making scheme. Holly said I should sell them to some post card makers but IM really not sure how I would go about doing this.

Anyways, best be off, hope your all ok.

PS. Happy Birthday Grandma (for yesterday)

Sunday, July 17, 2005



I was piddling about on the net and found myself here setting up a blog, which I had been thinking about doing anyway.
I figured if anyone wants to know what exiting things I've been up to over here you can all take a look. At least this way no one can get stressed because I don't email them!

So, today I was going to go see Batman but the didn't have it on in English, so I bought a plastic bowl and a packet of envelopes instead. Then I went swimming. Its ridiculously hot here, like 40 or something. YUK!

Well, that's all folks, catch you later.