Thursday, July 21, 2005

One more day of the week left.

Its hot here. I know this shouldn't be a surprise to me, but everyday I wake up, open the door, and think, God its hot here. Roll on winter that's what I say.

So, after drinking a little too much (first drink for a week!) and boring some couple in the bar to death with dentistry and the difference in calorie content in normal and Diet drinks, I woke up with a slight hangover. Work was pretty boring, again. Spent most of the day explaining that it wasn't necessary to ask me if the air conditioning could be switched off, or anything else for that matter, and that it was acceptable for the new girls to make decisions by them selves (hypocrite). And cleaning the whole surgery with a cotton bud! ( Slight exaggeration, only slight) But got to go home early!

Booked flights to Edinburgh, so you might be lucky enough to see me again in September (in England, not Edinburgh) and am off to Karate in a bit. The thought of it is already making me tired!

Oh well, only one more day of the week left!

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